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Friday, 24 May 2013

Star Lord

I usually want to change or tweak characters costumes when i do fanart of them. but star lord’s design is just so badass he dosn’t need it.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Aeterno making of

 so this is a kind of making of video of a film I made.
 Anyone who says you cant have fun drawing dinosaurs is a liar.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Dungeon monsters

So me and a friend wrote and are D.M'ing a comedy dungeon. now it may be a comedy but its a dark comedy. so lots of discussing and nasty creatures within. some are creatures you can find in the bestiery but I wanted to do my own spin on them.  I will update more designs after the guys have encountered them.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

black death city

ah man long time no posty. Its also nice to get back into a nice long painting after so long animating puppets and such. anyhoo this is for a pitch for a animation job i desperately want to get.
I often have trouble doing the mental mathematics required for drawing non natural structurs such as cars and especialy buildings. whereas landscapes, plants and figures (even clothed or armoured ones) flow, one shape eases into the other, man made objects seem to ridgedly stand in order often contradicting eachother. and if you mes up only a little you mess up the whole thing.
so just starting out with some creepy lop sided pre renascence buildings during the black death to help ease me in.